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Want to WIN €1,000?Heinz wants to hear all about your saucy love! 


When it comes to meal times, it’s no secret that Heinz’ products are firm favourites at the dinner table. We all love adding a generous dollop of Heinz to our burgers, fries and chicken fillet rolls, and we all know the horror of realising we’ve run out. To put it simply, it has to be Heinz. But there are some people among the Irish population whose love of Heinz Tomato Ketchup knows no bounds. We’re talking about the people whose pantries are so stocked with bottles of ketchup that they wouldn’t look out of place in a museum. Maybe they load up their suitcases with ketchup and smuggle them through Dublin Airport so they won’t get caught out without their favourite condiment while on holidays. Perhaps they always have a bottle in their glove compartment on hand for snacking emergencies.Or, they might opt for unusual flavour combinations. They may have experimented with ketchup and cabbage, or been brave enough to add ketchup to chocolate cake, just to try out the seemingly unholy flavour combo.Well, we, dear reader, are on a mission to find Ireland’s biggest Heinz fans, and an incredible prize is up for grabs. We’ve set up the Heinz Hub for the mavericks who enjoy Heinz Tomato Ketchup in the weirdest and wackiest ways, and the winner will receive a €1,000 cash prize.So reckon you’re in with a shot? Simply fill out the form below and share your story. And trust us, no matter how wacky you think your fondness is, we want to hear it.Entries close on 4th August, so don’t wait.


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